Mobilize the Church

Jesus said in John 4:35, “I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest”. The opportunity has never been greater and yet, the challenge is mobilizing more workers. Jesus expressed this sentiment quite clearly in Luke 10:2 when he said, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.”

“Mobilize the Church partners with pastors and network leaders to mobilize a growing wave of disciple makers, pioneer leaders, and church planters.”

We believe disciple making is the primary calling for every follower of Jesus and pioneer leaders are missionary disciples called to engage and reach a group of people uncomfortable or unfamiliar with the established church. These pioneers often go on to plant new churches. We serve network leaders (district, denominational, etc.), local pastors, and community leaders in fulfilling that mission.

How we can help…

Does your organization or church have a desire to mobilize more workers? We can provide practical resourcing and proven training to move that vision forward. In addition, we customize training to fit your vision and have a large and growing network of ministry partners.

Learn more about our ministry by visiting our website or joining our Facebook group and please stay connected to this newsletter for fresh insights and new training opportunities for mobilization.

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We partner with pastors and network leaders to mobilize a growing wave of disciple makers, pioneer leaders, and church planters.


Strategic Director of Mobilize the Church, Next Ventures Director for Exponential Next, church planter, disciple maker, author, sports junkie, history buff, and married with four daughters.
Passionate about Church Multiplication | Leader of Leaders | Developer of People | All things Denver Broncos | Married with Three Kids